Effective September 1st, 2017, the Office of the Dean of the Faculty will offer up to 10 cost-free 45 minute individual sessions of coaching by phone or Zoom to professorial faculty who become parents. The coaching is provided through Leader Academic, and addresses issues such as time management, commitment prioritization, effective delegation, and balancing being a parent with being a scholar. Faculty may take these 10 sessions at their convenience, in consultation with the coach, in a time window beginning 3 months prior to the due date or adoption date, and ending 12 months after the date of birth or adoption of the child/children. This service is available to faculty regardless of whether they are already parents. Birthing or adopting multiple children at once does not affect the number of sessions offered; however faculty may receive another 10 sessions for subsequent births or adoptions. Related Links Leader Academic Contacts Oliver Avens Oliver Avens [email protected] 609-258-1660 Audience Faculty Benefits Category Family