The Rules and Procedures of the Faculty of Princeton University is a compilation of basic information of immediate interest and concern to members of the Faculty and to other officers of instruction and administration. Included are rules concerning faculty members which have been adopted by the Board of Trustees and by the Faculty itself, as well as rules and procedures dealing with matters of undergraduate and graduate instruction and research activities in which faculty members may be involved. Appendix A contains the rules adopted by the Faculty establishing the Council of the Princeton University Community. Appendix B contains a description of the duties of a number of University academic and administrative officers.
The following publications of Princeton University contain material of interest to the Faculty, but not included in this volume.
- The Graduate School Announcement and the Undergraduate Announcement contain general academic information, detailed curricula, course descriptions, and departmental mastheads.
- The Dean of the Faculty’s website provides additional guidelines and information.
- Rights, Rules, Responsibilities