Appendix B: Corporate Officers
Executive Vice President
The Executive Vice President shall have responsibility for coordinating and developing policies and plans for the administrative operations of the University and shall have administrative oversight of the Office of the Vice President for Campus Life, the Office of the Vice President for Facilities, the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources, the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology, the Office of Audit and Compliance, the Office of Public Safety, the Office of the Vice President for University Services, and such other administrative offices as the President shall from time to time determine.
The Vice President and Secretary
The Vice President and Secretary shall have the duties and responsibilities stated in Chapter 9 of the Bylaws, and shall, with the assistance of the Archivist, have custody of the Charter of the University and of the minute books and papers relating to the records of the University. The Vice President and Secretary shall be assisted in carrying out the responsibilities of the Office of the Secretary by such Associate and Assistant Secretaries as the Board may appoint by resolution.
The Vice President For Finance and Treasurer
The Vice President for Finance and Treasurer shall exercise the responsibilities set forth in Chapter 8 of the Bylaws. The Vice President for Finance and Treasurer shall be assisted in carrying out these responsibilities by such Associate and Assistant Treasurers, and Controller, as the Board may appoint by resolution.
The Vice President for Advancement
The Vice President for Advancement shall have administrative responsibility for programs designed to enlist financial support for the University and for programs designed to encourage and support alumni engagement in the life of the University. The Vice President for Advancement shall have administrative responsibility for the Office of Development and the Office of Alumni Affairs.
The Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs
The Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs, reporting to the President, shall have administrative oversight of the presentation of the objectives and activities of the University to all its various publics and, as required, shall serve as a spokesperson for the University. The Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs shall have administrative responsibility for the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Communications, the Office of Trademark Licensing, and the offices of federal, state and community affairs.
The Vice President for Campus Life
The Vice President for Campus Life shall have administrative oversight of the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students, the Department of Athletics and Campus Recreation, the Office of University Health Services, the Office of the Dean of Religious Life and Dean of the Chapel, the Office of Career Services, and the Pace Center for Civil Engagement, and such other administrative offices as the President shall from time to time determine. The Vice President for Campus Life shall have special responsibility for creating and fostering a resident University community whose members can participate in and contribute fully to the broad educational mission of the University.
The Vice President for Facilities
The Vice President for Facilities shall be responsible for and have administrative oversight of the development and stewardship of the physical space of the University, including its operation and maintenance.
The Vice President for Computing and Information Technology
The Vice President for Computing and Information Technology shall serve as the Corporation’s chief information officer and be responsible for the planning and oversight of all University activities and services in computing and related technologies.
The Vice President for Human Resources
The Vice President for Human Resources shall have administrative oversight of the Office of Human Resources and of all such matters as pertain to the effectiveness and well-being of nonacademic employees. The Vice President for Human Resources shall be responsible for making authorized administrative and staff appointments not made by the Board of Trustees.
The Vice President for University Services
The Vice President for University Services shall be responsible for the provision of services to the University’s students, faculty members, and staff, including but not limited to services related to housing, dining, conferences and events, printing and mailing, transportation and parking, scheduling and ticketing, and the Frist Campus Center.
The Vice President and General Counsel
The Vice President and General Counsel shall serve as the chief legal officer of the Corporation, with all University matters requiring legal advice, action, or representation being referred to the Office of the General Counsel.
The President of the Princeton University Investment Company
Subject to the control of the Directors of the Princeton University Investment Company, who are subject to the general control of the Board and the Committee on Finance, and to the control of the President of the University, the President of the Princeton University Investment Company shall have the general charge and supervision of the business of the Company. The President of the Princeton University Investment Company shall have power to sign, in the name and on behalf of the Corporation, all duly authorized contracts, deeds and other instruments relating to the investments of the Corporation.
The Vice President and Chief Audit and Compliance Officer
The Vice President and Chief Audit and Compliance Officer shall serve as the chief audit and compliance officer of the Corporation and have administrative responsibility for the audit and compliance operations of the University.