3. Administration and Procedures
The Dean for Research, with the advice of the University Research Board is charged with the formulation of policy for the solicitation, acceptance, and administration of research grants and contracts throughout the University. The University Research Board is composed of six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty. The Dean for Research serves as Chair and the Director of the Office of Research and Project Administration serves as Administrative Officer. An administrator from the Office of the Dean for Research serves as Secretary. The Treasurer and the Dean of the Graduate School also sit on the Board. When necessary, the Provost, Dean of the Faculty, Vice President for Development, General Counsel, and Director of Environmental Health and Safety meet with the Board. Other individuals may sit with the Board as needed. The University Research Board is advisory to the President of the University.
The following procedures are to be followed with regard to sponsored research:
a. Every application or proposal for sponsorship, renewal, or expansion of research within the University, with funds to be furnished by an outside source, but administered by the University, should be submitted with the approval of the Chair(s) of the department(s) involved to the Office of Research and Project Administration before any formal proposals are transmitted to the outside source or any commitments are made. This is not to be construed, however, as limiting the freedom to discuss possible research sponsorship on an informal basis with outside individuals or organizations. The Office of Research and Project Administration will be available for assistance with the preparation of proposals and the location of receptive sponsors. Excluded from the requirement for processing through the Office of Research and Project Administration are awards or gifts to individuals, such as Guggenheim Fellowships, etc., where the University has no responsibilities for administering the funds.
b. After the proposal has been reviewed and approved by the Department Chair(s) and the appropriate administrative review committee to ensure its compliance with established University policies, formal proposals to outside sponsors will normally be transmitted through the Office of Research and Project Administration. Any arrangement or contract negotiation with the sponsor will normally be handled through that office.
c. The acceptance of grants or gifts designated to be used for research, where no proposal from the University is involved, will be coordinated through both the Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations and the Office of Research and Project Administration in accordance with policies adopted by the University Research Board.
d. Proposals for gifts and the acceptance of gifts from corporations and foundations that are not specific to sponsored research are normally handled through the Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations.