2. Institutional Biosafety Committee
The Institutional Biosafety Committee is responsible for the review and approval, if appropriate, of research that involves biological materials, including recombinant and synthetic nucleic acid molecules, pathogenic organisms and viruses, biological toxins and animal tissues that pose zoonotic disease risk. The Institutional Biosafety Committee is comprised in a manner that complies with current federal regulations. There must be sufficient collective expertise on the Committee to conduct an effective review of the full range of projects at the University that involve recombinant DNA, infectious agents, and other biohazardous material. The review should ensure that the project is conducted with appropriate containment levels, practices, facilities, and expertise. The Committee should also have expertise in the risk to the environment and to public health. At the discretion of the Committee, appropriate individuals, including the Director of Environmental Health and Safety and individuals with specific appropriate expertise, are invited to sit with the Committee without a vote.