B. The Officers of the University
The Charter as amended designates the President of the University as the chief executive and academic officer of the Corporation. A current list of the academic and corporate officers of the University is contained in the Bylaws and appended resolutions. The academic officers include the Provost, the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Dean of the College, the Dean for Research, the Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs, the Dean of the School of Architecture, the Dean of Admission, the Librarian, the Vice President for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and such other academic officers as the Board may elect. The corporate officers include the President, the Provost, the Executive Vice President, the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer, the Vice President and Secretary, the Vice President for Advancement, the Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs, the Vice President for Campus Life, the Vice President for Facilities, the Vice President for Computing and Information Technology, the Vice President for Human Resources, the Vice President for University Services, the Vice President and General Counsel, the President of the Princeton University Investment Company, the Vice President and Chief Audit and Compliance Officer, and such other corporate officers as the Board may elect. The academic and corporate officers are elected by the Board on the nomination of the President, and continue in office at the pleasure of the Board. Officers of the University may serve, ex officio, and without vote, on committees of the Board as elected by the Board pursuant to the provisions of the Bylaws. The duties and responsibilities of the President and the academic officers are described below.
The President
The President is charged with the general supervision of the interests of the University and has special oversight of the various departments of instruction. The President, when present, presides at all University convocations, and represents the University before the public.
In the absence or disability of the President, the Board or its Executive Committee may appoint an Acting President, to have the powers and duties of the President. If no such appointment is made, the Provost has the powers and duties of the President.
The President is an ex officio voting member of all standing committees of the Board of Trustees, except the Compensation Committee, and is chair of the Committee on Honorary Degrees.
The President is ex officio chair of the Faculty Committee on Committees, the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements, the Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity, and the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy, and by custom, has the right of sitting with any Faculty Committee.
The President is an ex officio member of the Council of the Princeton University Community, its Executive Committee, and its Committee on Governance, and, when present, is the presiding officer at meetings of the Council and of its Executive Committee.
The Provost
The Provost is the general deputy of the President in the supervision of the University. As the chief academic and chief budgetary officer of the University, under the President, the Provost is responsible for long-range planning and for the coordination of the administrative and support functions of the University with its academic purposes. When requested by the President, the Provost either accompanies the President or represents the President at meetings of Trustee Committees and of the Board.
The Provost chairs the Academic Planning Group, and meets with the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements, the Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity, the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy, and as necessary with the University Research Board.
The Provost is an ex officio member of the Council of the Princeton University Community and presides at its meetings in the absence of the President. The Provost normally meets with the Executive Committee of the Council and is its presiding officer in the absence of the President, and the Provost is chair ex officio of the Council’s Committee on Priorities.
The Provost has administrative oversight of the Office of the Office of the Dean of the College, the Office of the Dean for Research, the Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs, the Dean of the School of Architecture, the Librarian, the Vice President for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and such other administrative or academic offices as the President shall from time to time determine.
The Dean of the Faculty
The Dean of the Faculty has administrative oversight of the academic departments, centers, institutes and programs, and of all such matters as pertain to the effectiveness and well-being of the Faculty, the Professional Researchers, the Professional Specialists, and the Professional Librarians. He or she may be authorized by and in the name of the President to make appointments to these professional staffs.
The Dean of the Faculty is an ex officio member of the Council of the Princeton University Community’s Committees on Rights and Rules and Priorities, and serves as secretary of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements, the Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity, and the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy. The Dean of the Faculty is an ex officio member of the Faculty Committee on the Course of Study and the Graduate School, and meets with the Committee on Committees, and as needed, with the University Research Board.
The Dean of the Graduate School
The Dean of the Graduate School has administrative oversight of graduate studies, of the curriculum of the Graduate School, of graduate student affairs, and of the Graduate College.
The Dean of the Graduate School is ex officio chair of the Faculty Committee on the Graduate School.
The Dean of the Graduate School is an ex officio member of the Faculty Committees on Public Lectures, Classrooms and Schedule, University Student Life, and of the University Research Board, and meets with the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements, the Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity, and the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy.
The Dean of the College
The Dean of the College has administrative oversight of undergraduate studies, of admission to the undergraduate College, of the curriculum of the College, of the services and agencies designed to promote the academic development of undergraduates, of the residential colleges, and of the Office of the Registrar. The Dean of the College is also charged with the application and enforcement of the rules and standards relating to under graduate scholarship, standing, and attendance in the University.
The Dean of the College is ex officio chair of the Faculty Committees on the Course of Study, Examinations and Standing, Classrooms and Schedule, and Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid. The Dean of the College is an ex officio member of the Faculty Committee on Public Lectures and University Student Life, and meets with the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements, the Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity, and the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy.
The Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science
The Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science has administrative oversight of the School of Engineering and Applied Science.
The Dean for Research
The Dean for Research is responsible for administrative oversight of the organized research activities throughout the University, dealing with questions of policy in the acceptance and administration of research grants and contracts, and general supervision over the application of duly established policy in this area. The Dean for Research also has administrative responsibility for programs designed to enlist financial support for the University from corporations and foundations, and for research translation and technology licensing. The Dean chairs two committees of the Faculty, the University Research Board and the Committee on the Appointments and Advancements for the Professional Researchers and Professional Specialists. The Dean oversees the Office of Research and Project Administration, Office of Technology Licensing, Laboratory Animal Resources, Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations, the Office of Research Integrity and Assurance, and certain multidisciplinary research centers.
The Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs
The Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs has administrative oversight of the School of Public and International Affairs.
The Dean of the School of Architecture
The Dean of the School of Architecture has administrative oversight of the School of Architecture.
The Dean of Admission
The Dean of Admission has administrative oversight of the Office of Admission.
The Librarian
The Librarian has administrative oversight of the Corporation’s library system.
The Vice President for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
The Vice President for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory has administrative oversight of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.