2. Individual Committees

a. Committee on Committees

       The Committee on Committees consists of the President as chair and normally one tenured and one tenure-track member of the Faculty from each of the four divisions of the University (Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Engineering and Applied Science). The Clerk of the Faculty acts as Secretary of the Committee without vote. The Dean of the Faculty meets with the Committee. Faculty members serving on the Committee shall be appointed by the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy, with the consent of the Faculty. Terms shall normally be for four years beginning 1 January, with due consideration given to continuity and rotation. A member who has completed a term of four years shall not be eligible for reappointment to the Committee until after the expiration of four years.

       The Committee nominates candidates for the various Faculty committees, except in those instances where another procedure is specified. Where terms of office are not specified, the Committee nominates candidates with due regard to continuity of committee personnel and to the avoidance of overlapping Faculty memberships on such committees as the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal, the Committee on the Course of Study, the Advisory Committee on Policy, and the University Research Board. Members of the Faculty are invited to suggest names to be considered by the Committee in preparing its nominations.

       The Committee has responsibility for ensuring adequate representation of non-tenured Faculty and of the four divisions of the Faculty on all Faculty committees for which it makes nominations, and shall increase such representation beyond the stated minimum as it deems appropriate.

b. Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements

       The Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements consists of six members of the Faculty, all of whom shall be full professors. There shall be at least one from each division, three from Divisions I and II, and three from Divisions III and IV, not more than one shall be from any one department, and at least two shall be a current chair or director of a department, program, center or institute authorized to be the primary home for tenured and tenure-track appointments. The President is chair, and the Dean of the Faculty is secretary; the Provost, the Dean of the Graduate School, and the Dean of the College meet with the Committee. Faculty members serving on the Committee are elected by the Faculty after the February Faculty meeting, from the list of nominees presented to the Faculty by the Committee on Committees at the February meeting, together with any additional nominations from the floor. In the event that a member is unable to serve for a significant length of time because of illness, or other compelling reasons, the person on the slate from which the committee was elected, having the highest number of votes, who is in the division of the person who cannot serve, and most nearly meets the constraints governing membership on the committee, shall be asked to serve until such time as the original member is able to resume service.

       The Committee advises the President on the appointment of Professors, the appointment and promotion of Associate Professors, and the reappointment and promotion of Assistant Professors; and on the salaries of these members of the Faculty.

c. Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements in the Lecturer Ranks

       The Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements in the Lecturer Ranks consists of six appointed members, at least four of whom shall be tenured members of the Faculty, and two of whom are University Lecturers, Professors of the Practice, or tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty. There shall be at least one from each division, and not more than one shall be from any one department, center, or program, or institute. The Dean of the Faculty or their designee is chair, and a Deputy, Associate, or Assistant Dean from the Office of the Dean of the Faculty is secretary; two Deputy, Associate, or Assistant Deans, one each from the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School and the Office of the Dean of the College, meet with the Committee. The six members serving on the Committee from the Faculty are appointed with the consent of the Faculty by the Committee on Committees.

       The Committee advises the Dean of the Faculty on the appointment and reappointment of University Lecturers, Professors of the Practice, and Senior Lecturers, on the promotion of Senior Lecturers and Lecturers, and on the salaries of the Lecturer Ranks.

d. Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity

       The Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity consists of eight voting members of the Faculty elected by the Faculty. Each of the four divisions of the University shall be represented by two members, at least one of whom will be tenured. Two to three members are elected each year for terms of three years (except that the President may appoint members to serve shorter terms as needed in the initial years of the Committee’s operation or to fill vacancies when Committee members are on leave). The President is chair of this Committee, the Provost is ex officio a member and may chair in the President’s absence, and the Dean of the Faculty is ex officio secretary. The Dean of the College and the Dean of the Graduate School sit with the committee.

       The Committee will advise the President, the Provost, and the Dean of the Faculty with regard to diversity and inclusion issues, including specifically with regard to faculty hiring, policies, curriculum, and campus climate.

       The administration will share with the Committee data, including anonymized and aggregated personnel data, to enable it to carry out this advisory role and monitor progress toward the University’s goals. The Committee will meet at least once a year with the Academic Affairs Committee or other relevant committee of the Board of Trustees.

e. Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy

       The Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy consists of the six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty elected by the Faculty to represent it on the Executive Committee of the Council of the Princeton University Community. The President is chair and the Dean of the Faculty is Secretary; the Provost meets with the committee, and the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the College meet with the committee as needed.

       The Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy meets with the President at her or his request, at the request of the Faculty, or on its own motion, to afford advisory consultation on matters of University-wide policy of concern to the Faculty and not primarily within the jurisdiction of other established committees.

f. Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal

       The Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal consists of nine members of the Faculty, of whom three are elected by the Faculty each year to serve for a term of three years. The election slate shall be adjusted each year so that the membership of the Committee always consists of at least six tenured and two non-tenured members of the Faculty. Voting shall be by the system of the alternative vote or single transferable vote, as appropriate. The Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy appoints one from among the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal’s membership to serve as chair for one year. The Committee’s procedures and requirements for quorum are provided in the Guidelines for the Conduct of Inquiries by the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal, included with these Rules as Appendix C. 

       If a case arises involving the dismissal or the suspension of a member of the Faculty, or any question of unfair treatment in relation to the appointment, reappointment, or academic duties or privileges of a member of the Faculty or anyone to whom an offer of a Faculty appointment has been made, the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal may be called upon to act as a board of review as provided for by the Minutes of the Board of Trustees on 15 June 1918, 19 April 1951, 15 June 1959, and 2 June 2014. (See Sections IV.P.1 and IV.P.2.)

       Because the Committee serves principally as a board of review, it may not be called upon to hear or adjudicate in the first instance cases involving alleged violations of rules, or alleged professional misconduct, by members of the Faculty. Where such cases do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Judicial Committee of the Council of the Princeton University Community or another University body specifically identified in these Rules or Other University policy applicable to the Faculty, they shall ordinarily be decided in the first instance by appropriate administrative officers (the President or the Dean of the Faculty) with such advisory assistance as the administrative officers in question deem appropriate.

       Procedure in cases of dismissal, suspension, and unfair treatment is outlined in Section IV.P. In other cases, appeal may be made directly to the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal by individuals directly affected; a statement of grievance shall be made in writing and a copy submitted to the Dean of the Faculty.

       Also among the duties of the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal is the following as described in the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees: The Faculty shall appoint certain of its members as a standing committee, who shall attend a conference with the Trustees’ Committee on Academic Affairs, as necessary, upon the call of the Chair of the said Faculty committee or the Chair of the Committee on Academic Affairs, or shall attend a conference with another standing or ad hoc Trustee committee, as necessary, upon the call of the President of the Chair of the Board, to consider such subjects as may be presented involving both administrative and educational matters. 

g. Committee on the Course of Study

       The Committee on the Course of Study consists of nine voting members of the Faculty elected by the Faculty between 1 April and the May meeting. Each of the four divisions of the University shall be represented by at least one member, and all nine members shall be elected according to the system of the alternative vote. Three members are elected each year for terms of three years. The Dean of the College is chair of this Committee, the Dean of the Faculty is ex officio a member, and the Associate Dean for Curriculum and Assessment is ex officio secretary.

       The Committee on the Course of Study considers and recommends to the Faculty appropriate action on all matters connected with the educational policy of the undergraduate program. Among the matters with which it is particularly concerned are the following: 

  • Requirements for admission to the University
  • Requirements for all bachelors’ degrees
  • Methods of instruction, programs of study, and regulations concerning scholastic standing.
  • The institution of new courses and the modification of existing courses in the undergraduate curriculum.
  • The promotion, monitoring, and publicizing of experiments in teaching.
  • There shall be consultation between the Committee and representatives of any department or group of departments before changes in the course of study affecting those departments are recommended to the Faculty by the Committee.

       The Academic Committee of the Undergraduate Student Government, or a subcommittee thereof, shall normally meet jointly with the Committee on the Course of Study, so long as the student committee remains at a size of about five members. The Faculty Committee will meet separately, without students, at least once each semester, and may schedule additional such meetings.  Members of the student committee shall have the right to attach comments to any proposals forwarded to the Faculty by the Committee on the Course of Study and to appear at meetings of the Faculty to present the views of the student committee on such proposals.

       When the Committee on the Course of Study meets jointly with the Subcommittee of the Undergraduate Student Government’s Academic Committee, votes in the two groups shall be recorded separately and the count in both made available for the information of the Faculty and the Undergraduate Student Government.

h. Committee on Discipline

       The Committee consists of the following voting members: Six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks (no more than four of whom may be present during any hearing); a Dean from the Office of the Dean of the College; and eight undergraduate students. (A maximum of five students may be present during any hearing.) The Dean of Undergraduate Students serves as chair of the Committee without vote and an Associate or Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Students serves as secretary to the committee without vote. The Committee establishes its own procedures and requirement for a quorum at regular sessions.

       In conjunction with its chair, the Dean of Undergraduate Students, the Committee is responsible for the administration of the stated rules and regulations governing student conduct, for assessing reported violations, and, where necessary, for determining appropriate penalties. The Committee will adjudicate all alleged academic infractions committed by undergraduates not under the jurisdiction of the Undergraduate Honor Committee. The Committee will also adjudicate all alleged behavioral infractions committed by undergraduate students that 1) might reasonably result in separation from the University or 2) for which no clear precedent exists.

       Disciplinary cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct shall be managed by the Title IX Coordinator in accordance with the procedures approved by the Faculty. These procedures are outlined in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.

       Any and all appeals of decisions made by the Committee on Discipline are heard in accordance with procedures approved by the Faculty. These procedures are outlined in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.

       Disciplinary cases involving graduate students, for which separation from the University is a possible outcome, will be referred to the dean of the Graduate School who is advised, in accordance with the Rules and Procedures of the Faculty, by the Subcommittee on Student Life and Discipline of the Faculty Committee of the Graduate School.

       The subcommittee consists of the dean of the Graduate School, ex officio, as chair, the assistant or associate dean (the associate or assistant dean for academic affairs will serve for academic infractions and the associate or assistant dean for student life will serve for nonacademic infractions) as secretary (without vote), and four members of the Graduate School Faculty Committee. The subcommittee may be enlarged, at the student's request, by four graduate students, selected at random. Following its investigation and hearing, the subcommittee presents its advice in the form of a recommendation to the dean, who, observing fair process and with deliberate speed, normally accepts it (but is not bound to do so). The student is notified by the dean in writing of the subcommittee’s recommendation and the dean’s action, and is also informed of the rights of appeal and the appropriate procedures. The subcommittee follows procedures approved by the Faculty. These procedures are described in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.

       Disciplinary cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct against graduate students shall be managed by the Title IX Coordinator in accordance with the procedures approved by the Faculty. These procedures are outlined in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.

i. Committee on Examinations and Standing

       The Committee on Examinations and Standing consists of seven tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks, at least one from each Division, and at least one from among the non-tenured members of the Faculty. The Dean of the College is chair, the Vice President for Campus Life, the Registrar, and the Dean of Admission are members ex officio, and a senior associate dean of the College is secretary ex officio.

       The Committee is entrusted with the administration of all regulations which concern the program of study and the scholastic standing of undergraduate students. It may present to the Committee on the Course of Study proposals for changes in these regulations.

       In conformity with these regulations, the Committee determines whether or not a student has met the qualifications for admission to particular programs of study, for promotion to a higher class, and for graduation. It is authorized by the Faculty to recommend directly to the Board of Trustees, through the Dean of the College, candidates for the bachelor’s degrees.

       Acting for the Faculty, it determines whether students who are academically deficient will be required to withdraw from the University, and whether students who have withdrawn because of academic deficiency will be reinstated. The Committee is also responsible for the formulation and administration of policies with regard to student records.

       The Committee nominates to the Faculty, during the spring term each year, a candidate for the post of Latin Salutatorian and a candidate for the post of Valedictorian, under the rules set forth in the Undergraduate Announcement with respect to the selection of Commencement speakers.

       The Committee is also charged with reviewing the grading history for each department and program to ensure consistency with University policy regarding assessment and grading standards. Each fall, the Committee reports to the Faculty on the grading record of the previous academic year.

       Petitions for exceptions to academic policy, as well as grade appeals, may be adjudicated by the full Committee or by the senior associate dean acting for the Committee.

       The Academics Committee of the Undergraduate Student Government is invited to meet with the Committee once during the fall semester to present any questions or concerns about academic regulations.

j. Committee on the Graduate School

       The Dean of the Graduate School is chair and a staff member of the Graduate School is secretary of the Committee. The Dean of the Faculty is an ex officio member of the Committee. The remaining membership of the Committee consists of the directors of graduate studies of the departments and programs that offer study leading to graduate degrees, who are designated as such by their respective departmental chairs or program directors.

       The Committee on the Graduate School recommends to the Faculty appropriate action on all matters connected with the educational policy of the Graduate School. It is particularly concerned with the following:  

  • Requirements for admission to the Graduate School.
  • Requirements for all earned degrees beyond the bachelor’s degree.
  • Methods of instruction, programs of study, and regulations concerning scholastic standing.
  • The institution of new courses and the modification of existing courses in the graduate curriculum.
  • Policies for financial support of graduate students.
  • Policies regarding graduate student life.

       The Committee approves changes in the regulations and in the curriculum of graduate courses. The Faculty has empowered the Committee on the Graduate School to make appointments to graduate fellowships in its name and has authorized the Dean of the Graduate School to notify successful candidates.

       The Graduate School Committee has four subcommittees: the Subcommittee on Policy, the Subcommittee on Student Life and Discipline, the Subcommittee on Fellowships, and the Subcommittee on Curriculum.

  1. The Subcommittee on Policy assists the Graduate School staff in formulating major questions for consideration by the Faculty Committee on the Graduate School and advises the Dean on policy matters under consideration. The Subcommittee on Policy consists of the Dean of the Graduate School as chair, a staff member of the Graduate School as secretary, and eight members of the full Committee, two from each of the four divisions of the University elected by the Committee. In elections to the Policy Subcommittee the names on the ballot shall be grouped by division and the names of all directors of graduate studies shall appear. In the case of a tie vote, the Dean of the Graduate School shall cast the deciding vote.
  2. The Subcommittee on Student Life and Discipline advises the Dean on academic discipline cases of a serious nature where a graduate student is the respondent and on nonsexual behavioral discipline cases of a serious nature where a graduate student is the respondent. The Subcommittee on Student Life and Discipline consists of the Dean of the Graduate School, ex officio, as chair, a deputy, associate or assistant dean of the Graduate School as secretary (without vote), and four members of the Graduate School Faculty Committee, at least two of whom must be present at a hearing and at least one of whom must be appointed in the same division as the student’s home department. At the student’s request, the subcommittee may be enlarged for a hearing by up to four graduate students, selected by the office of the Dean of the Graduate School at random.
  3. The Subcommittee on Fellowships reviews applications for University honorific fellowships and fellowship grants for study abroad that require central University endorsement. The Subcommittee on Fellowships consists of the Dean of the Graduate School (or a designee) as chair, an Assistant or Associate Dean of the Graduate School as secretary, and no fewer than four members of the full Committee appointed by the Dean, representing each of the four divisions of the University.
  4. The Subcommittee on Curriculum reviews proposed major course changes and departmental curricular revisions. The Subcommittee on Curriculum consists of the Dean of the Graduate School (or a designee) as chair, an Assistant or Associate Dean of the Graduate School as secretary, and no fewer than four members of the full Committee appointed by the Dean, representing each of the four divisions of the University.

k. Policy Committee on Athletics and Campus Recreation

       The Policy Committee on Athletics and Campus Recreation consists of the Vice President and Secretary (ex officio), Vice President for Campus Life (ex officio), Deputy Dean of the College (ex officio), an Associate Dean of the College (ex officio), the Director of Athletics (secretary), six members of the Faculty (at least one from each division), two representatives of the Alumni Council, and representatives from the Department of Athletics staff. Four to five undergraduate students at the University also serve on the committee, including two varsity athletes, one intramural/sport-club leader, and one member appointed by the Undergraduate Student Government. The Faculty representatives and chair are appointed by the Dean of the Faculty, in consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy.

       The Policy Committee on Athletics and Campus Recreation advises the President and the Director of Athletics concerning the conduct and direction of the programs of intercollegiate athletics, campus recreation, and health and fitness.

l. Committee on Public Lectures

       The Committee on Public Lectures consists of six Faculty members, including at least one from each of the four divisions and at least one who is non-tenured, and the Director of the Princeton University Press, the Dean of the College, and the Dean of the Graduate School, ex officio. A member of the Committee is designated by the President to serve as chair.

       The Committee selects the incumbents of the Spencer Trask, Stafford Little, Louis Clark Vanuxem, J. Edward Farnum Fund, and Walter E. Edge Lectureships, and arranges for public lectures by members of the Faculty or by invited guests. When two or more lectures are proposed for the same date by other agencies of the University, the Committee has authority to decide whether there is a conflict of interest and, if so, which lecture shall give way to the other.

m. Committee on Classrooms and Schedule

       The Committee on Classrooms and Schedule consists of six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks, one from each of the four divisions of the University and at least one of whom is non-tenured. The Dean of the College chairs the Committee. The Director of the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning is ex officio secretary; the Dean of the Graduate School, the Registrar, and the Vice Provost for Space Programming and Planning or their delegates are ex officio members. The chair may invite other administrators to sit with the committee as needed.

       The Committee on Classrooms and Schedule is authorized by the Faculty to arrange the Academic Calendar in accordance with Section I of these Rules, and may make recommendations to the Faculty for changes in that section.  The Committee also assesses classroom and teaching facilities and recommends improvements that better meet the pedagogical needs of the University.

       The Committee approves the Scheduling Rules/Grid for Undergraduate Courses.

n. Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid

       The Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid consists of six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks including at least one from each of the four divisions of the University and at least two who are non-tenured. Two members are elected each year to terms of three years. The Dean of the College is chair; the Dean of Admission, the Director of Undergraduate Financial Aid, and the Director of the Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Inclusion are ex officio members. The Vice President for Finance and Treasurer and the Vice President for Campus Life sit with the Committee.

       The Committee advises the President, the Provost, the Dean of the College, the Dean of Admission, and the Director of Undergraduate Financial Aid on policies and procedures governing admission and financial aid.

       The Committee is advised by the Committee on the Course of Study about basic academic requirements for undergraduate admission. It may in turn present to the Committee on the Course of Study proposals for changes in these basic requirements, and it may concern itself with additional criteria necessary for the final selection of candidates for admission.

       On the recommendation of the Dean of Admission and the Director of Undergraduate Financial Aid, the Committee reviews annual aggregate admission decisions and financial aid budgets and evaluates on-going policy presumptions. The Committee makes an annual report to the University Priorities Committee on the financial aid budget; on financial aid policies and procedures; and on admission statistics.

       The Dean of the College will report to the Faculty annually – typically at the first Faculty meeting of each academic year - on matters under the Committee’s jurisdiction. This annual report will include analysis of both the academic character and co-curricular experiences of candidates admitted to the University, those rejected, and those who decline admission. The report will also provide a general overview of financial aid, with an appropriate analysis of funding wherever possible. 

o. University Student Life Committee

       The University Student Life Committee consists of six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks, including at least two who are tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks and one Residential College Head. The following also serve on the Committee: the Vice President for Campus Life as chair, the Dean of the College, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Director of Athletics, the Executive Director of University Health Services, the Dean of Undergraduate Students and the Vice President for University Services.

       The University Student Life Committee is concerned with fostering relationships among academic, residential and social experiences of undergraduate and graduate students and more generally with the tone and character of University student life. In conjunction with the Council of College Heads, which oversees such matters in the residential colleges, the Committee reviews policies affecting residential and extracurricular life for all undergraduate and graduate students.

       The Committee may advise the Dean of Undergraduate Students, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Dean of the College, the Vice President for Campus Life and the President concerning matters under its purview and may, periodically, report and make recommendations to the Faculty.

       Normally, the Committee shall include in its deliberations, and in the work of any subcommittees which may develop, student members of the University Student Life Committee of the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Governments.

p. Council of College Heads

       The Council of College Heads consists of the heads of the Residential Colleges. The Dean of the College is chair, the Vice President for Campus Life and the Dean of Undergraduate Students are ex officio members, and a senior associate dean of the College serves as secretary. 

       The heads of the Residential Colleges are tenured faculty, normally appointed to four-year terms by the President on recommendation of the Dean of the College and the Dean of Undergraduate Students.

       The Council creates and sustains a welcoming and inclusive environment in the undergraduate residential colleges which supports and enhances the educational mission of the University. The Council, after consulting with the college professional staff and student leadership, sets policy for the residential and dining facilities for which it has general oversight.

       The Council may advise the Dean of Undergraduate Students, the Dean of the College, the President and the President’s Cabinet on matters concerning undergraduate education and co-curricular life.

q. University Research Board

       The University Research Board consists of six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty. Two faculty members are elected by the Faculty at large by the system of the alternative vote and four faculty members are appointed by the President. Each of the four divisions of the Faculty is represented by at least one member. Faculty members normally serve four-year terms and are not eligible for immediate re-election or reappointment after serving a full four-year term, except in unusual circumstances.

       The Dean for Research serves as Chair and the Director of the Office of Research and Project Administration serves as Administrative Officer. An administrator from the Office of the Dean for Research serves as Secretary. The Vice President for Finance and Treasurer and Dean of the Graduate School are ex officio members of the committee. When necessary, the Provost, Dean of the Faculty, Vice President for Advancement, General Counsel, and Director of Environmental Health and Safety meet with the Board. Other individuals may sit with the Board as needed. The Board advises the Dean for Research and the President on matters pertaining to research administration and policy.

r. Council on Teaching and Learning

       The Council on Teaching and Learning consists of eight tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks, two from each division of the University, appointed by the Dean of the Faculty and the Dean of the College. The Dean of the College will appoint one member as chair. The Director of the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning is ex officio secretary, and the Dean of the College may appoint other administrators to serve as needed.

       In consultation with the Dean of the College, the faculty chair of the Council will identify matters and priorities related to undergraduate teaching and learning that merit extended consideration. Among the many areas that the Council might address are:

  • online courses and innovative uses of instructional technology
  • academic support for undergraduate students
  • assessment of teaching and learning
  • academic integrity
  • classroom design; and
  • accessibility of curricular pathways into certain disciplines

       In all matters, the Council’s work will be advisory to the administration and the relevant faculty committees such as the Committee on the Course of Study, the Committee on Classrooms and Schedule, and the Committee on Examinations and Standing. The Council will be invited to render opinions and offer recommendations regarding specific courses and proposals that raise special issues of policy and practice related to undergraduate teaching and learning.