a. Committee on Committees
The Committee on Committees consists of the President as chair and normally one tenured and one tenure-track member of the Faculty from each of the four divisions of the University (Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Engineering and Applied Science). The Clerk of the Faculty acts as Secretary of the Committee without vote. The Dean of the Faculty meets with the Committee. Faculty members serving on the Committee shall be appointed by the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy, with the consent of the Faculty. Terms shall normally be for four years beginning 1 January, with due consideration given to continuity and rotation. A member who has completed a term of four years shall not be eligible for reappointment to the Committee until after the expiration of four years.
The Committee nominates candidates for the various Faculty committees, except in those instances where another procedure is specified. Where terms of office are not specified, the Committee nominates candidates with due regard to continuity of committee personnel and to the avoidance of overlapping Faculty memberships on such committees as the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal, the Committee on the Course of Study, the Advisory Committee on Policy, and the University Research Board. Members of the Faculty are invited to suggest names to be considered by the Committee in preparing its nominations.
The Committee has responsibility for ensuring adequate representation of non-tenured Faculty and of the four divisions of the Faculty on all Faculty committees for which it makes nominations, and shall increase such representation beyond the stated minimum as it deems appropriate.