g. Committee on the Course of Study
The Committee on the Course of Study consists of nine voting members of the Faculty elected by the Faculty between 1 April and the May meeting. Each of the four divisions of the University shall be represented by at least one member, and all nine members shall be elected according to the system of the alternative vote. Three members are elected each year for terms of three years. The Dean of the College is chair of this Committee, the Dean of the Faculty is ex officio a member, and the Associate Dean for Curriculum and Assessment is ex officio secretary.
The Committee on the Course of Study considers and recommends to the Faculty appropriate action on all matters connected with the educational policy of the undergraduate program. Among the matters with which it is particularly concerned are the following:
- Requirements for admission to the University
- Requirements for all bachelors’ degrees
- Methods of instruction, programs of study, and regulations concerning scholastic standing.
- The institution of new courses and the modification of existing courses in the undergraduate curriculum.
- The promotion, monitoring, and publicizing of experiments in teaching.
- There shall be consultation between the Committee and representatives of any department or group of departments before changes in the course of study affecting those departments are recommended to the Faculty by the Committee.
The Academic Committee of the Undergraduate Student Government, or a subcommittee thereof, shall normally meet jointly with the Committee on the Course of Study, so long as the student committee remains at a size of about five members. The Faculty Committee will meet separately, without students, at least once each semester, and may schedule additional such meetings. Members of the student committee shall have the right to attach comments to any proposals forwarded to the Faculty by the Committee on the Course of Study and to appear at meetings of the Faculty to present the views of the student committee on such proposals.
When the Committee on the Course of Study meets jointly with the Subcommittee of the Undergraduate Student Government’s Academic Committee, votes in the two groups shall be recorded separately and the count in both made available for the information of the Faculty and the Undergraduate Student Government.