h. Committee on Discipline
The Committee consists of the following voting members: Six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks (no more than four of whom may be present during any hearing); a Dean from the Office of the Dean of the College; and eight undergraduate students. (A maximum of five students may be present during any hearing.) The Dean of Undergraduate Students serves as chair of the Committee without vote and an Associate or Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Students serves as secretary to the committee without vote. The Committee establishes its own procedures and requirement for a quorum at regular sessions.
In conjunction with its chair, the Dean of Undergraduate Students, the Committee is responsible for the administration of the stated rules and regulations governing student conduct, for assessing reported violations, and, where necessary, for determining appropriate penalties. The Committee will adjudicate all alleged academic infractions committed by undergraduates not under the jurisdiction of the Undergraduate Honor Committee. The Committee will also adjudicate all alleged behavioral infractions committed by undergraduate students that 1) might reasonably result in separation from the University or 2) for which no clear precedent exists.
Disciplinary cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct shall be managed by the Title IX Coordinator in accordance with the procedures approved by the Faculty. These procedures are outlined in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.
Any and all appeals of decisions made by the Committee on Discipline are heard in accordance with procedures approved by the Faculty. These procedures are outlined in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.
Disciplinary cases involving graduate students, for which separation from the University is a possible outcome, will be referred to the dean of the Graduate School who is advised, in accordance with the Rules and Procedures of the Faculty, by the Subcommittee on Student Life and Discipline of the Faculty Committee of the Graduate School.
The subcommittee consists of the dean of the Graduate School, ex officio, as chair, the assistant or associate dean (the associate or assistant dean for academic affairs will serve for academic infractions and the associate or assistant dean for student life will serve for nonacademic infractions) as secretary (without vote), and four members of the Graduate School Faculty Committee. The subcommittee may be enlarged, at the student's request, by four graduate students, selected at random. Following its investigation and hearing, the subcommittee presents its advice in the form of a recommendation to the dean, who, observing fair process and with deliberate speed, normally accepts it (but is not bound to do so). The student is notified by the dean in writing of the subcommittee’s recommendation and the dean’s action, and is also informed of the rights of appeal and the appropriate procedures. The subcommittee follows procedures approved by the Faculty. These procedures are described in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.
Disciplinary cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct against graduate students shall be managed by the Title IX Coordinator in accordance with the procedures approved by the Faculty. These procedures are outlined in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.