j. Committee on the Graduate School
The Dean of the Graduate School is chair and a staff member of the Graduate School is secretary of the Committee. The Dean of the Faculty is an ex officio member of the Committee. The remaining membership of the Committee consists of the directors of graduate studies of the departments and programs that offer study leading to graduate degrees, who are designated as such by their respective departmental chairs or program directors.
The Committee on the Graduate School recommends to the Faculty appropriate action on all matters connected with the educational policy of the Graduate School. It is particularly concerned with the following:
- Requirements for admission to the Graduate School.
- Requirements for all earned degrees beyond the bachelor’s degree.
- Methods of instruction, programs of study, and regulations concerning scholastic standing.
- The institution of new courses and the modification of existing courses in the graduate curriculum.
- Policies for financial support of graduate students.
- Policies regarding graduate student life.
The Committee approves changes in the regulations and in the curriculum of graduate courses. The Faculty has empowered the Committee on the Graduate School to make appointments to graduate fellowships in its name and has authorized the Dean of the Graduate School to notify successful candidates.
The Graduate School Committee has four subcommittees: the Subcommittee on Policy, the Subcommittee on Student Life and Discipline, the Subcommittee on Fellowships, and the Subcommittee on Curriculum.
- The Subcommittee on Policy assists the Graduate School staff in formulating major questions for consideration by the Faculty Committee on the Graduate School and advises the Dean on policy matters under consideration. The Subcommittee on Policy consists of the Dean of the Graduate School as chair, a staff member of the Graduate School as secretary, and eight members of the full Committee, two from each of the four divisions of the University elected by the Committee. In elections to the Policy Subcommittee the names on the ballot shall be grouped by division and the names of all directors of graduate studies shall appear. In the case of a tie vote, the Dean of the Graduate School shall cast the deciding vote.
- The Subcommittee on Student Life and Discipline advises the Dean on academic discipline cases of a serious nature where a graduate student is the respondent and on nonsexual behavioral discipline cases of a serious nature where a graduate student is the respondent. The Subcommittee on Student Life and Discipline consists of the Dean of the Graduate School, ex officio, as chair, a deputy, associate or assistant dean of the Graduate School as secretary (without vote), and four members of the Graduate School Faculty Committee, at least two of whom must be present at a hearing and at least one of whom must be appointed in the same division as the student’s home department. At the student’s request, the subcommittee may be enlarged for a hearing by up to four graduate students, selected by the office of the Dean of the Graduate School at random.
- The Subcommittee on Fellowships reviews applications for University honorific fellowships and fellowship grants for study abroad that require central University endorsement. The Subcommittee on Fellowships consists of the Dean of the Graduate School (or a designee) as chair, an Assistant or Associate Dean of the Graduate School as secretary, and no fewer than four members of the full Committee appointed by the Dean, representing each of the four divisions of the University.
- The Subcommittee on Curriculum reviews proposed major course changes and departmental curricular revisions. The Subcommittee on Curriculum consists of the Dean of the Graduate School (or a designee) as chair, an Assistant or Associate Dean of the Graduate School as secretary, and no fewer than four members of the full Committee appointed by the Dean, representing each of the four divisions of the University.