m. Committee on Classrooms and Schedule
The Committee on Classrooms and Schedule consists of six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks, one from each of the four divisions of the University and at least one of whom is non-tenured. The Dean of the College chairs the Committee. The Director of the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning is ex officio secretary; the Dean of the Graduate School, the Registrar, and the Vice Provost for Space Programming and Planning or their delegates are ex officio members. The chair may invite other administrators to sit with the committee as needed.
The Committee on Classrooms and Schedule is authorized by the Faculty to arrange the Academic Calendar in accordance with Section I of these Rules, and may make recommendations to the Faculty for changes in that section. The Committee also assesses classroom and teaching facilities and recommends improvements that better meet the pedagogical needs of the University.
The Committee approves the Scheduling Rules/Grid for Undergraduate Courses.