o. University Student Life Committee
The University Student Life Committee consists of six tenured or tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks, including at least two who are tenure-track members of the Faculty or full-time members of the Lecturer Ranks and one Residential College Head. The following also serve on the Committee: the Vice President for Campus Life as chair, the Dean of the College, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Director of Athletics, the Executive Director of University Health Services, the Dean of Undergraduate Students and the Vice President for University Services.
The University Student Life Committee is concerned with fostering relationships among academic, residential and social experiences of undergraduate and graduate students and more generally with the tone and character of University student life. In conjunction with the Council of College Heads, which oversees such matters in the residential colleges, the Committee reviews policies affecting residential and extracurricular life for all undergraduate and graduate students.
The Committee may advise the Dean of Undergraduate Students, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Dean of the College, the Vice President for Campus Life and the President concerning matters under its purview and may, periodically, report and make recommendations to the Faculty.
Normally, the Committee shall include in its deliberations, and in the work of any subcommittees which may develop, student members of the University Student Life Committee of the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Governments.