3. Election Procedures
a. For the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal, the Committee on the Course of Study, the Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid, Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity, and the University Research Board, the election procedures shall be as follows:
- Before the April meeting of the Faculty, the Committee on Committees, having due regard for the fair representation of all Divisions of the Faculty and for the widest possible distribution of committee assignments among Faculty members, shall present to the Faculty twice as many nominees as there are vacant elective posts to be filled in each committee.
- Additional nominations to any or all of the committees may be made from the floor at the April Faculty meeting.
- Following the April Faculty meeting the Clerk shall present to each voting member of the Faculty ballots containing lists of the candidates for these committees, the names grouped by divisions and within each division arranged alphabetically. Brief statements describing the responsibilities of these committees shall also appear on the ballots. The Faculty shall be instructed to rank all the candidates for each of these committees in order of preference, and to submit their ballots by 5p.m. of the 12th day following the date of issuance, at which time the poll will be deemed closed.
- The Clerk shall tabulate the results of this balloting and report the results of the election at the May meeting of the Faculty.
- In the event of a tie affecting the election of any candidate to a designated committee, the President, or in the President’s absence the Provost, shall cast the deciding vote.
- In case a vacancy occurs on any of these committees between regular elections, it shall be filled by a special election for the unexpired term and the special election shall be conducted according to the procedures just outlined.
- A member of the Faculty, upon completion of a full term on any one of these committees, is
not eligible for reelection to that committee until a period of time equal to a full term has elapsed, except under unusual circumstances. - In order to assure a wide distribution of committee assignments among committees concerned with overall policies of the University, a member of the Faculty may not serve on the Advisory Committee on Policy and the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal during the same period of time.
- For committee members whose appointments to the Faculty end during the normal period of committee service, the term on the committee shall end with the Faculty appointment.
b. For the Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements, the election procedure shall be as follows:
- Before the February meeting of the Faculty, the Committee on Committees, having due regard for the fair representation of all divisions of the Faculty, for continuity of service on the Committee, and for the widest possible distribution of committee assignments among Faculty members, shall present to the Faculty twelve or more nominees for the Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements. The committee shall choose full professors who have demonstrated competence and fairness in the making of decisions regarding appointment and advancement of Faculty members.
- Additional nominations to the Committee may be made from the floor at the February Faculty meeting.
- Following the February Faculty meeting the Clerk shall present to each voting member of the Faculty a ballot listing the candidates for this committee, in alphabetical order and indicating department and division. The Faculty shall be instructed to rank the names by order of preference and to submit their ballots by 5p.m. of the 12th day following the date of issuance, at which time the poll shall be deemed closed.
- The Clerk shall tabulate the result of this balloting. The winning candidates shall be determined according to the system of the single transfer able vote, modified when necessary to insure (a) at least one person from each Division; (b) three persons from Divisions I and II, three from Divisions III and IV; (c) not more than one person from any depart meet; and (d) at least two departmental chairs. The results of the tabulation shall be announced by the Clerk of the Faculty at the March meeting of the Faculty.
- In case of a tie vote, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
- In case a vacancy occurs, it is to be filled by an election, for the unexpired term, conducted in a manner similar to that prescribed for regular elections, except that the system of the single transferable vote need not be used if there is only one vacancy.
- A ballot shall not be considered defective when fewer than the stipulated number of names are marked, provided it is otherwise in conformity with the above instructions.
c. For the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy, the election procedure shall be as follows:
The Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy consists of the elected Faculty members of the Executive Committee of the CPUC. The election procedure is specified by the Charter of the Council of the Princeton University Community.
d. For all other Faculty committees, unless another procedure is indicated, the Committee on Committees shall nominate members to fill vacancies and shall submit the nominations at the June meeting for action by the Faculty; at that meeting further nominations may be made from the floor.
e. Any member of a committee may be recalled by the Faculty, and such recall vote shall be held upon petition of fifty members of the Faculty. A majority of votes cast for recall shall cause the recall of the member and his or her seat shall thereby become vacant.
An ex officio member of any committee of the Faculty may designate at the beginning of the academic year a representative to serve in his or her place as a voting member, normally for the duration of that year.
Unless otherwise specified in these Rules and Procedures, terms of members of all Faculty committees shall normally begin on 1 July immediately following the academic year in which they are elected or appointed, and shall terminate on 30 June of the year which completes their specified length of service. In unusual situations where an important action of a committee (such as an appeal) cannot be completed by 30 June and must be continued into the summer recess, members who would otherwise be terminating their service may be asked by the President or the Dean of the Faculty to continue to serve during the summer until the action under consideration has been completed.