G. Appointment and Advancement of Lecturers
1. The designation of Lecturer is accorded to individuals participating in instructional programs of the University. Appointment as a Lecturer is normally for one year at a time but, to accommodate curricular needs or certain projects, appointments can be up to three years. All lecturer appointments are subject to annual or term renewals. Unless a lecturer is notified in writing by the Dean of the Faculty (not the department Chair or program Director) that their appointment has been renewed, the appointment will terminate on the end date of the current appointment.
2. All proposals for appointment, reappointment, or advancement in salary of Lecturers shall be made in writing by the Chair of the department or Director of the program concerned and sent to the Dean of the Faculty. Proposals for appointment, reappointment or advancement in salary of full-time Lecturers shall normally be made only after formal consultation (a formal vote taken at a meeting) with the tenured and tenure-track Faculty members and full-time University Lecturers and Professors of the Practice having full or joint appointment in the department.
3. In their sixth year of service teaching more than .40 FTE or 40% duty-time, Lecturers shall be notified in writing either (a) that further appointments as Lecturer shall be for equal to or less than .40 FTE or 40% duty-time, or (b) that the seventh year shall be the terminal year of employment, or (c) that they are being recommended to the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements in the Lecturer Ranks for promotion to Senior Lecturer or Professor of the Practice or University Lecturer. Exceptions to the seven-year limit may be made if the department or program can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Dean of the Faculty (1) that the appointment meets an indispensable academic purpose and (2) that the lecturer meets all expectations in this role.
Appointment as Lecturer to teach at a duty-time equal or less than .40 FTE or 40% in an academic year may be renewed on the recommendation of the department and with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty.
4. On recommendation of a department, and with the permission of the Dean of the Faculty, members of the Professional Staffs who are assigned teaching duties may, during the semester or academic year in which such assignments are made, hold a secondary appointment as a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Professor of the Practice, or University Lecturer, as appropriate. All proposals concerned with the appointment or promotion of a member of the Professional Staffs to the rank of Senior Lecturer, Professor of the Practice, or University Lecturer as a secondary appointment shall be made in writing by the Chair of the department or Director of the program concerned and sent to the Dean of the Faculty. Such proposals shall normally be made only after formal consultation (a formal vote taken at a meeting) with the tenured and tenure-track members of the Faculty and full-time University Lecturers and Professors of the Practice having full or joint appointment in the department or program. These proposals shall be presented by the Dean of the Faculty to the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements in the Lecturer Ranks. After consultation with this committee, the Dean of the Faculty will take such action as they deem proper.