L. Leaves of Absence
1. Absence During Term Time
An individual member of the Faculty wishing to be absent from the campus for an interval of three or more consecutive days, excluding weekends, during term time (the weeks of classes and the reading and examination periods) or Wintersession shall request permission to do so from the Chair of the department well in advance, and shall make certain that arrangements to meet the Faculty member’s teaching and other academic and departmental responsibilities have the Chair’s approval. The Chair shall refer any unusual requests to the Dean of the Faculty for approval. The Chair shall report all such absences to the Dean of the Faculty at the end of each academic year.
2. Leaves for Scholarship
The leave program of the University is designed to ensure that tenured and tenure-track Faculty members may be relieved periodically from normal teaching and other University duties in order to pursue scholarship. Leaves are recommended by the Chair of the department on the basis of a Faculty member’s proposed program of scholarship, while taking into account the teaching and service needs of the department. The leave program does not guarantee that each Faculty member receives a specified number of leaves during a given number of years. It is intended rather to provide flexibility in planning both for the individual Faculty member’s scholarly pursuits and for the instructional program of the department. There are several kinds of leave, including sabbatical leave and leave without pay. For sabbatical leaves, at least five consecutive semesters of active service must precede the leave. For leaves without pay, at least two consecutive semesters of active service must precede the leave. No member of the Faculty may be on leave of any kind for more than four semesters in a seven-year period.
a. Sabbatical Leaves
Tenured Faculty members are eligible for leaves with pay for scholarship after five consecutive semesters of active service. In this context, semesters including short-term disability or workload relief for childcare are considered semesters of active service. Sabbatical leaves may be with full pay for one semester or half pay for two semesters in the same academic year. External funds may be used to provide the other half salary so long as these funds do not entail obligations which alter the purpose of the leave. One semester of paid leave may be “banked” to be used at a later time, with the understanding that no more than one semester of paid leave may be banked at a time and that five semesters of active service remains the minimum interval between sabbatical leaves. For example, Faculty may elect to serve ten semesters of active service and take one academic year on leave at full pay. Note that sabbatical leaves are available only to Faculty who are actively engaged in scholarship, teaching, and service.
b. One-In-Six Leaves for Assistant Professors in the Humanities or Social Sciences
It is University policy that an Assistant Professor in the Humanities or Social Sciences is granted one semester’s leave with full pay or its equivalent during the first three-year appointment.
c. Leaves for Bicentennial Preceptors
A Bicentennial Preceptor is granted one academic year’s leave with full pay during the term as Bicentennial Preceptor in addition to the one-in-six leave granted to Assistant Professors in the humanities and social sciences.
d. Leaves for University Preceptors
A University Preceptor is granted one semester’s leave with pay during the term as University Preceptor in addition to the one-in-six leave granted to Assistant Professors in the humanities and social sciences.
3. Leaves without Pay (Including Leaves for Personal Reasons)
Leaves without pay may be recommended by the Chair of the department on the basis of a Faculty member’s needs, provided that the department’s teaching and other functions can be met. In addition to those for scholarship, leaves without pay may be granted for such purposes as the temporary assumption of an important government post, a temporary honorific professorial or administrative appointment, or for personal reasons, including child rearing. Leaves without pay are not, however, granted for regular teaching at another institution.
Normally leaves without pay are granted for no more than one year. Under certain circumstances, typically in connection with government service, an extension of one year is permitted, but at the end of that time the University normally requires that the Faculty member either return or resign. Extensions may not be granted for leaves for scholarship, whether paid or unpaid. In all cases the Dean of the Faculty shall be consulted at the outset of negotiations with an outside party. All leaves without pay must be approved by the Dean of the Faculty, and when combined with leaves for scholarship, including sabbaticals, may not exceed four semesters in a seven-year period.
4. Outside Activities During Leaves of Absence
During a leave of absence with full pay, a faculty member is subject to the same provisions governing outside professional activities that apply when he or she is on regular duty. Normally, a Faculty member on leave with pay shall not teach part-time or full-time at another institution; a request for exception to this rule must be explained fully in the application form for a leave and shall be taken into account at the time the leave application is reviewed.
A Faculty member who applies for a leave of absence with half pay for a whole year, or a leave of absence for a term or year without pay, shall outline the activities to be engaged in during the proposed leave and state whether any professional activities, including teaching, are to be performed during that period.
After a leave of absence, with or without pay, is approved, any significant change in the amount or nature of professional activities to be performed during that leave must be approved by the Dean of the Faculty before any commitment is made with respect to such change.
All of the rules set forth in this and the next section apply during the time that a Faculty member is on leave with full pay. When a Faculty member is on leave of absence with partial pay or no pay, the pertinent sections of the rules governing Outside Professional Activities apply.