A. Undergraduate Course Mechanics
1. Course Enrollments
a. At the beginning of each term, every instructor in charge of a course receives from the Office of the Registrar a list of students enrolled in the course.
b. A student who wishes to enter or withdraw from a course does so through the Office of the Registrar.
2. Meetings of Courses
a. Under the Faculty Committee on Classrooms and Schedule, the Office of the Registrar schedules the time and place of meeting for lecture courses and class meetings. Changes in either the time or place of meeting, if necessary, should be arranged through the Office of the Registrar.
b. Seminars, precepts, and small group sections may be assigned times and places for meeting in the same way, through the Office of the Registrar.
c. Out of respect for colleagues, as well as students, lectures and other formal academic exercises should end promptly. For many students the full 10-minute period between classes is required to stay on schedule.
3. Student Obligations to Courses
a. Undergraduate courses are offered on a term basis. Faculty members may set deadlines within the term for required essays or papers, but only the Office of the Dean of the College, acting for the Committee on Examinations and Standing, may authorize extensions beyond the stipulated University deadlines (see The Undergraduate Announcement: Academic Regulations).
b. Students are expected to participate fully in all aspects of University courses in which they are enrolled.
c. Cases of excessive absence from a course, failure to submit numerous or significant assignments in a course or unsatisfactory performance in course work as the term progresses should be reported promptly to the Office of the Dean of the College.
4. Term Tests and Midterm Grades
a. All quizzes and tests during the term, as well as final examinations, are conducted under the honor system (see Section VI.B.4 below).
b. Tests or examinations based on a significant section of the course should be indicated on the syllabus or announced adequately in advance.
c. Unless special provision is made by the Office of the Registrar, quizzes and tests during a term should be held during a class period regularly assigned to the course, and must end promptly.
d. If a student is absent from a test because of illness or equally compelling cause, the absence is not counted against his or her record. The instructor in charge of the course determines whether the test is to be waived or a makeup test given. If an absence is not of the above kind, the student’s record is determined by the instructor in charge of the course.
e. In 100 and 200 level (underclass) courses, midterm grades are reported to the Office of the Registrar by a specified date shortly after the middle of each term. Departments may determine whether and how individual students shall be notified of their grades in each course.
f. There is no provision for formal reporting of midterm grades in 300 and 400 level (upper-class) courses. While the term is in progress, instructors are urged to report to the Office of the Dean of the College the names of any students whose standing is marginal.