Conflict of Interest (COI)

All DOF appointees



Princeton permits its faculty and research/professional staff members to seek out and participate in sponsored research, to consult and to engage in other activities that benefit not only the individual, but the University and the community at large. Princeton faculty and staff have a primary obligation to act in the best interests of the University and must not let outside activities or outside financial interests interfere with this obligation. This required annual disclosure process provides a framework for the University to manage and to monitor potential conflicts. Your completed disclosure form will be reviewed by the Dean of the Faculty and the Review Panel on Conflict of Interest in Research.

To submit your information, you will need to log in using your own university netID and password.  This password is the one you use to log into Windows every morning. The information requested is the same information that we asked for last year, and with the on-line form, you should be able to move through the questions straightforwardly and be able to easily complete the reporting requirements. The Conflict of Interest in Research/Conflict of Commitment/Outside Professional Activities form consists of parts A through I.  Parts A through F concern your outside professional activities and conflict of commitment and the information you submit will be forwarded to the Dean of the Faculty for review.  Parts G through I concern conflict of interest in research and your responses will be forwarded to Research Integrity and Assurance (RIA) for consideration by the Review Panel on Conflict of Interest in Research. The form is configured so that only faculty members who are PIs will need to complete parts G through I.  

Once you have completed parts A through I, you will be required to certify that this information is correct by submitting the form. Please note that by submitting the form, you certify that you have read the policies concerning outside professional activities and conflict of interest in research and that you acknowledge your obligations under these policies. You are also certifying that the information contained in the form is complete and accurate. Submission is accomplished by clicking the button “submit disclosure form.”  If you find an error or omission in your form after you have clicked the “submit disclosure form” button, please email Robert Scalese to assist you in unlocking the form for correction. 

If you have policy-related questions for parts A through F please contact Toni Turano.  If you have policy-related questions for parts G through I or any questions about the new NIH policies please email Robert Scalese (609-258-3105).  If you have technical difficulties with accessing the form or with the form submission, please contact the OIT Helpdesk at [email protected]