Rank(s) All DOF appointees Instructions Instructions Complete the New Appointment eForm for recommendations of all new faculty and academic professional appointments. Please submit the required materials before the Payroll deadline. Please note that a search form, evidence of successful completion of a background check, verification of degree and/or proof of Ph.D. must accompany all appointments for which a search is required, regardless of length of appointment or duty time. The only exceptions to these requirements are for (1) a visiting appointment, and (2) a current member of the University’s administrative staff, a professional librarian, a professor researcher, or a professional specialist. Faculty Appointments Task Details Complete the eForm as completely and accurately as possible. Faculty appointments begin July 1, September 1 or January 16, and terminate effective January 16 or July 1 if any other start or end date is to be considered, chairs should consult the Dean of the Faculty. Specify salary details. In each case it is necessary to specify a basic FTE salary, even for those individuals who are being appointed for less than the full 9-month academic year or less than full-time. The percentage of duty time of the appointment for the term of appointment or for the academic year should also be indicated, and the actual salary to be received should be consistent with the indicated FTE salary and duty time. If any fraction of the salary is to be charged to accounts other than the general departmental account, please indicate the accounts and either the dollar or percentage amounts of salary to be charged. Document departmental approval procedures. For those appointments for which departmental approval is required, please indicate the date of the meeting at which the appointment was discussed, the total number of individuals actually attending that meeting in person, and the vote tally; abstentions refer to faculty members in attendance at the meeting, but not voting. Request resources. Please be sure to specify the resources needed in as much detail as possible and to confirm with the Dean of the Faculty and Provost if there are any unusual or large resource requirements. The resources for an appointment must be approved before an offer can be made for a new appointment. Summer-Only Faculty Appointments Appointments in the ranks of Summer Faculty are intended only for non-Princeton faculty who are hired during part or all of the summer for the purpose of teaching an accredited summer class. Faculty members who have active current appointments at Princeton University should not be appointed as summer faculty and instead will continue to be compensated for any summer teaching duties through the regular Summer Salary payment processes. Tasks Details Eligible Period Summer faculty may only be hired and paid during the period June 1st – August 31st. Benefits All appointments to summer faculty ranks will be non-benefits eligible although they will be entitled to an ID card, parking privileges, and access to the library during the period of their appointment. Compensation Summer-only faculty appointments will have a 3-month base so their FTE salary should be set at the equivalent of a 3-month salary at 100% time. Summer faculty will receive monthly paychecks at the end of one or other summer months. Academic Professional Appointments This information pertains to new appointments to the non-visiting ranks of the Professional Researchers, Specialists, and Librarians. Task Details Submit the eForm by the deadline. For the RSL ranks listed below, please submit the required materials via the New Appointment eForm by the deadline, which we have aligned with the Payroll deadlines. Postdoc ranks (PDRA, PDRF, PGRA, SRA) Associate Research Scholar Professional Specialist ranks (Professional Specialist, Associate Professional Specialist) Have offer letters pre-approved. All offer letters must be pre-approved via the New Appointment eForm by the Associate Dean and should include a deadline for receiving the candidate’s reply and must include the following statement: Princeton University is required to verify that you are eligible for employment under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Information on what you must do to prove U.S. citizenship, permanent residence or visa status that authorizes you to work will be sent to you along with the formal letter of appointment. Notify postdocs of RCR requirement. In addition, all Postdoctoral Research Associates in the social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering should be notified they are required to complete a course in Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR). Submit all documentation. Submit aAppointment recommendation forms along should be submitted with a current CV, proof of Ph.D. (from a Dean- or Registrar-level office) for all postdoctoral appointments, a copy of the position posting, the Search Report Form and accompanying documentation, and a copy of the offer letter. All documents should be submitted via the New Appointment eForm. Manage visa requirements. When appointment recommendation forms are submitted for individuals with US Citizenship Status of 'International' a completed Visa Information Form should be submitted to the Office of Visa Services at the same time. Visa papers will not be issued for employees until the complete paperwork necessary for appointment are received and approved by the Dean of the Faculty. Visiting Researcher or Specialist Appointments The University will extend its hospitality to visiting scholars who wish to spend a limited time at Princeton for the purpose of study, scholarship, and research. The nature of the appointment depends on the stature, credentials, and reasons for visiting. This information pertains to recommendations of all new visiting RSL appointments, including visiting fellows and visiting research collaborators. Task Details Submit the eForm by the deadline. For the visiting ranks listed below, please submit the required materials via the New Appointment eForm by the deadline, which we have aligned with the Payroll deadlines. Visitor Research Ranks (VRS, Visiting Fellow, VRC, Visiting Professional Specialist, VPDRA) Visiting Fellows Visiting fellows ordinarily have no specific responsibilities in either teaching or research and do not receive stipends or salaries from the University. Appointments normally are limited to one year, but may be renewed for a second year under exceptional circumstances. When Visiting Fellows are asked to undertake specific teaching or research responsibilities, formal supplemental appointments to the Faculty or as a Researcher must be recommended to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty for review. Senior Visiting Fellow: Appointment as Senior Fellow is exceptional and should be discussed with the Office of the Dean of the Faculty prior to submission. Visiting Fellow: Appointment as Visiting Fellow is appropriate for faculty members visiting from other academic institutions and for established independent scholars and researchers. They are considered professional colleagues of our faculty. Facilities and resources may be provided to them by the sponsoring department. Visiting Research Collaborators When activity on a specific research enterprise requires frequent short-term visits to the campus by an outside scholar or researcher who is contributing to research on campus, the department may request an appointment to the rank of Visiting Research Collaborator. This courtesy appointment is for individuals directly associated with the research or scholarship of a center, a consortium, or an individual research project, when the anticipated stays on campus would normally be for less than one month on each occasion and when no remuneration is provided. Visiting Research Collaborators will have access to University facilities. Appointments are made for a period of one year or less, but are renewable if the collaboration continues. Checklist Checklist See the Appointment and Promotions Checklist page to view the checklists by rank. Form links Forms New Appointment e-Form