Rank(s) All faculty Instructions Instructions Since 1991, the President has given annual awards to four faculty members who have shown a sustained record of distinguished achievement in undergraduate and/or graduate teaching at Princeton. The award is a wonderful way to recognize the outstanding teaching abilities of your colleagues. Use this form to submit nominations for the award. Nominees may be either tenured or un-tenured faculty members; all full, associate, assistant professors, as well as all professors of the practice, university lecturers, and senior lecturers are eligible. You are free to nominate more than one faculty member in a single year, and are encouraged to do so when there is strong support for more than one candidate. We encourage you to nominate junior as well as senior faculty members in your department. Students, faculty members, and alumni will be invited to suggest names by means of notices in the The Daily Princetonian and the Princeton Alumni Weekly. Especially important is your role in providing supporting materials, include your own letter of nomination; signed letters of nomination/evaluation from current and/or former students and faculty members; a curriculum vitae; and any narrative course evaluations other than the Registrar's summary sheets, which we will add to the file. Your letter of nomination should include some comment on the particular courses or other teaching and mentoring activities that are most distinctive and original or that have had the greatest intellectual influence on students. Other materials that you believe would strengthen the candidate's case are, of course, welcome. Materials should be submitted via the electronic form below. Nominations will be reviewed by a committee consisting of two undergraduates from the Undergraduate Student Government Academics Committee, two graduate students selected by the Graduate Student Union or the Dean of the Graduate School, two faculty members from the Committee on the Course of Study, two faculty members from the Committee on the Graduate School, the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of the Graduate School, and the Dean of the College. Checklist Checklist Letter of nomination from chair Candidate's CV Signed letters from the graduate students Signed letters from undergraduate students Signed letters from faculty colleagues Signed letters from alumni Other supporting material Form links Forms Nomination Form for President's Award for Distinguished Teaching