Teaching at another college or university is an outside activity, external to your Princeton responsibilities. Please note the PDRA position is a 100% duty time position, so teaching at another college or university has the following limitations: The official class meeting length must not exceed 3.5 hours per week. The class must meet on a day/time that will not interfere with your responsibilities at Princeton. Your Princeton faculty supervisor(s) must grant you permission. If you are not a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident, please contact the Davis International Center before accepting a teaching role to ensure there are no visa and work authorization implications for this additional employment. This teaching counts towards your time for outside professional activities. You must include this outside activity on your annual Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure form (irrespective of salary). If you are paid more than $5,000 for teaching at another school, you need to fill out a COI Update form within 30 days of receiving payment. This form can be accessed at https://ria.princeton.edu/conflict-of-interest/forms Requests for permission to teach at other colleges and universities must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. Related Links Application for PDRAs to teach at another college or university