Leaves for Scholarship for Academic Professionals

Under certain circumstances Professional Researchers and the University mutually benefit from research staff members' being relieved of regular research responsibilities (e.g., to enable them to pursue new or unusual projects or to bring together the accomplishments of several related programs). Such activities should normally be funded from grants, contracts, or fellowships. In instances where external funding is not available, the appointing department may choose to fund a leave at full salary for up to six months or at half salary for up to 12 months for members of the research staff. All leaves for research and scholarship must be approved by the Dean of the Faculty.

Benefits Coverage during Leaves of Absence

The University is not permitted by the Internal Revenue Service to contribute to a staff member's retirement plan account during a leave of absence without pay. However, coverage in most other benefits plans continues during the months a staff member is on leave with or without pay. When a staff member is on leave without pay, he or she will be billed for the cost of benefits that are normally deducted from salary.


For more specific information, contact the Benefits Team in the Office of Human Resources at (609) 258-3302 or [email protected].

Academic Professionals
Benefits Category