Position Director of Governance Office Phone 609-258-2018 Email [email protected] Office 8 Nassau Hall Bio/Description Jessica Mathewson, director of governance, is responsible for overseeing faculty governance processes, organizing and reporting the resulting information to University constituents, and serving as a resource for academic departments on faculty governance issues. Among her responsibilities are the oversight and management of the work of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements (C3) and Office of the Dean of the Faculty trustee reporting. She is the administrator for the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal. Before joining the Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Jessica worked in the Office of Alumni Affairs and practiced law at leading international law firms in New York and Philadelphia. She is a graduate of Princeton University and the University of Michigan Law School.Areas of ResponsibilityAssociated Faculty StatusAwards - FacultyBehrman AwardBoard of Trustees ReportingC3 (Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements)Committee on Conference and Faculty AppealDepartment Chairs and Directors MeetingsEndowed ProfessorshipsFaculty Advisory Committee on PolicyPreceptorshipsRecruitment - Senior FacultySenior Offer LettersTrustee Committee on Academic Affairs