I. General Observations

1.    The Dean of the Faculty shall seek to ascertain in a systematic way the views of non-tenured faculty members on the range and balance of the academic specialties in their departments and on the manner in which decisions on appointments are made in their departments.

       The Dean of the Faculty shall also review periodically the practices of all departments with regard to matters important to the quality of life of tenure-track Faculty. The results of this review should be communicated to the President and the Faculty. This review should pay particular attention among other issues to:

  • the fairness with which teaching assignments are distributed, taking into account the professional development of the faculty;
  • the manner in which departments select candidates for nominations to Preceptorships;
  • the possible overloading of tenure-track faculty with advising and committee responsibilities; and
  • the extent to which tenure-track faculty are involved formally and informally in determining policies for the department as a whole.

2.    The Dean of the Faculty shall produce and make available to all members of the tenured and tenure-track Faculty a written account of the procedures that govern the work of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements and the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements in the Lecturer Ranks. This account shall describe the character of the information that the Committee receives from departments and the ways in which the Committee may solicit additional information.

3.    Each year departmental Chairs shall invite interested students and student departmental committees to express their views on the range, balance, and quality of instruction in their departments and on other matters relevant to the reappointment and advancement of Faculty members, and shall advise the students and committees that they may forward to the Dean of the Faculty for transmission to the President (and where appropriate to the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements or the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements in the Lecturer Ranks) comments regarding the quality of teaching by individual members of the Faculty.