C. Outside Professional Activities

Occasionally, a researcher or specialist may have opportunities to engage in professional activities outside the University. Such activities may be permitted if the academic professional adheres to the following principles: 

  1. The primary obligation of the professional researchers and professional specialists is to carry out that part of the program at Princeton for which they are responsible. Their obligation is not merely to work during particular hours on particular days, but is professional in character. No other work activity, whether gainful or not, which conflicts with this obligation may be undertaken. 
  2. Time devoted to outside professional activities, including teaching courses at other universities, may not exceed two days per month without prior approval of the immediate supervisor (in the case of postdocs) or department chair (in the case of other researchers) and the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. The duty terms for part-time service may be obtained from the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. 
  3. The term "outside" refers to professional activities not directly associated with the fulfillment of an individual's teaching, research, and administrative commitments to the University. Such activities generally bring into play the expertise of the individual and often bring professional benefits to the individual and the University. They may or may not involve compensation. Before undertaking such activities, individuals should satisfy themselves that the activities contribute: (a) to teaching and scholarship at Princeton, (b) to communicating and applying special knowledge outside the University, and/or (c) to furthering the common good. 
  4. In outside professional activities, whether compensated or not, an individual shall not: (a) violate the University's patent policy, (b) permit an outside agent to have a preferred position with respect to information emanating from University activities, and/or (c) negotiate or influence the negotiation of contracts between the University and organizations with which they have consulting or other significant relationships. 
  5. In outside activities, whether professional in nature or not, an individual shall not commit University materials, facilities, students, or personnel for the gain or benefit of an outside enterprise. However, limited use may be made of materials, facilities, and secretarial assistance for service to professional societies in the individual's discipline and in connection with nonpartisan public service. The chair of the department and the Dean of the Faculty shall be kept informed of such activities. Questions arising out of special circumstances shall be reviewed by the Dean of the Faculty. 
  6. In outside professional activities, an individual member shall take care not to affect adversely the individual's own independence or the integrity of the University. For example, an individual may not accept a regular and continuing position with significant responsibility for the management of an outside enterprise. Also, an individual may not become a regular and continuing employee of any outside organization, either part-time or full-time, or accept any outside position that would tend to create conflicts of interest with the position in the University. Any request for an exception to this policy must be approved by the immediate supervisor and the Dean of the Faculty. Exceptions are rarely granted and only in the most unusual circumstances. 
  7. An individual shall inform the University annually, in writing, of all outside professional activities as part of the regular report on conflicts of interest. An individual shall also consult with the chair whenever considering significant new outside professional activities. The chair shall consult with the Dean of the Faculty concerning any exceptions to these rules and forward for consideration any special circumstances that may arise. 
  8. Only the Dean of the Faculty may approve exceptions to, or exemptions from, these rules concerning outside professional activities.